sunday morning activities
Nursery is available for children from birth until they are ready for our preschool class called JAM Time.
Each week, at least two adults provide care for children. All adult volunteers receive a background check prior to serving, to ensure the safety of our children through proper supervision and dismissal to the appropriate parent or guardian.
A private nursing mom rooms is available in the nursery for any mom that wishes to use it.
jam time (jesus and me)
While the older youth and adults stay through the service on Sunday mornings, our littler members aged three through the completion of Kindergarten leave before the sermon to join a teacher in the JAM Time room located off the lobby/coffee bar area. Children hear a bible story, learn a verse from scripture, participate in games/activities and do a craft related to their story. This is often the first experience a child will have with Jesus and the church, and it serves as a foundational building block to their faith.
Each week, two adults as well as student helpers lead the children in their activities. All adult volunteers receive a background check prior to serving, to ensure the safety of our children through proper supervision and dismissal to the appropriate parent or guardian.

Sunday school

Sunday School takes place after the morning worship service for children in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade. The goal of this program is to help youth grow their relationship with Christ through worship and Bible lessons. If you are new to Lakeside and need assistance finding the appropriate room for your child, please see the Welcome Center located in the upper level lobby.

Our Cadet program is a thriving ministry for young men in grades 2 through 8. A part of The Calvinist Cadet Corp, Lakeside boys learn of Christ’s love for them through Bible lessons and project time. Complete with fun and food, our Lakeside Cadets are part of more than 600 clubs throughout North America. Our Cadets meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays each month from 6:30-8:30pm and focus on growing and developing boys into young men devoted to Jesus.
For more specific information about The Calvinist Cadet Corp, please visit

With GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior), young women learn to develop a true, lasting relationship with our Savior. Through Bible study, crafts, worship and time together, these young ladies develop friendships and strive to find answers to challenges they face every day. Open to ladies 2nd through 8th grade and meeting on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month from 6:30-8pm, our GEMS youth are active, imaginative and unique.
For more specific information about GEMS Girl’s Clubs, please visit