serve the community
food distribution

In partnership with Hungry for Christ, Lakeside Church distributes food to about 80 families every month. We welcome anyone in our community who has a need to come and receive assistance. Lakeside volunteers transport food from the warehouse, unload the trucks, organize the food, and make sure that everyone gets a generous share.
If you have the need for some food, there is no need to sign up in advance. Our food distribution happens on the SECOND FRIDAY of every month. Simply show up anytime between 1:00 and 3:00pm for registration. Food is handed out at 3:00pm.
If you would like more information about volunteering or collecting from our food distribution, feel free to contact the church office at 616-868-6402.
serve by giving
Global compassion: haiti

Desiring to be the hands and feet of Christ outside of Lakeside, the Global Compassion Team has centered their focus on supporting work in Haiti. In the areas of social justice, physical improvements to infrastructure, and emotional and financial support for missions work, the team visits Haiti once a year to offer in-person assistance to the ongoing work.
Lakeside engages in thoughtful giving throughout the year with various strategic partners and communities. Haiti being the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere needs partners in Christ to support their people.
The Global Compassion Team welcomes those who wish to pray specifically for the ministries we partner with in Haiti. Additionally, reading partner materials and global development publications and even communicating support and prayer to our partners would be greatly appreciated. Serving the least and the lost is a passion of this team.
Missionary Support
Lakeside is committed not only to seeing the gospel spread locally, but around the world through the global church. Because of this, we have built relationships with three organizations that we support financially. It works this way: at the beginning of each year, Lakeside members each consider what God might be calling them to give in the coming year in support of God’s global mission, and then pledge what they will give. Throughout the year, each gives what was committed, and the money is split between our missionaries.
We pray fervently that God blesses their ministries—and these prayers have been answered mightily. By God’s grace, we have seen churches planted, parents and children coming to Jesus, students committing to lives of ministry for Jesus, and the Scriptures translated for people who have never heard the gospel in their own tongue. By God’s grace, we plan to continue doing our part in this fruitful work.